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  • Smart Prevention, Rehabilitation & INtervention Technologies; Personalised Technology for more healthy years.

    LATEST NEWS June 2020

    COVID-19 special edition: To a new quality of life (2)
    SPRINT partners design unique healthcare innovation improving the quality of life of corona patients and their caregivers. ■ Beatrixoord, location Haren, designed a COVID-19 recovery protocol to successfully reintegrate corona-cured UMCG employees into the workplace.
    ■ Master’s students Floris Idema and Tom Buitink, Biomedical Technology, University of Groningen (UG), are researching a renewable and transparent mouth mask. ■ Lode B.V. developed a bycicle ergometer for rehabilitation at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). ■ Read the stories in this second COVID-19 special edition of the SPRINT newsletter.

    Ton Rademaker(l) and his team are proud of their IC-bicycle ergometer


    More and more students and PhDs choose for entrepreneurship after their studies. Connecting science to society. The Groningen MedTech spin-offs Ivy Medical and geriaMOVE originated from the knowledge base of IMDI-SPRINT and UMCG. In collaboration with the University of Groningen, Ivy Medical is developing a portable IV drip to replace the well-known IV pole. GeriaMOVE is developing a serious game that, in a playful way, invites people to train their lower leg muscles in preparation for abdominal surgery. In the video below, they introduce themselves.

    The various new technologies will be developed in close cooperation with: Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit GroningenUniversiteit Twente,  and a variety of  companies and institutions.

    Do you have an idea for such a project?

    SPRINT is always looking for new projects and new partners for cooperation.   Sign in here!

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