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  • Lode

    SPRINT partner Lode designs a unique bycicle ergometer for muscle recovery during Intensive Care Unit (ICU) rehabilitation


    ‘Mobility is the best medicine to physical recovery,’ says Ton Rademaker, general director of Lode B.V. It is in this ‘towards a better quality of life’ spirit, the Groningen-based technology company designed a ICU bicycle ergometer. The ergometer makes it possible for COVID-19 patients to kick-start their rehabilitation at the ICU by improving their fitness and muscle strength while cycling in bed, preventing other physical complications by moving at the same time as well.

    A design challenge that Lode feels at home with, stresses Ton: ‘Our company is distinctive in, among other things, rehabilitation care in the field of active ergometry. Active ergometry means that patients have to get started by exercising themselves.’

    Intensive care environment
    The Lode-designed bicycle ergometer is a mobile set which is pulled over the ICU bed. The ergometer is easy to use and adaptable to the body posture of the user. Ton: ‘Our bycicle ergometer provides for the possibility of monitoring muscle strength and condition recovery in real time. Based on the data generated, the rehabilitation process can be adjusted where necessary.’

    COVID-19-IC-bed with bicycle ergometer for rehabilitation

    Ton Rademaker(l) and his team are proud of their IC-bicycle ergometer

    The ICU environment is an added-value challenge for the Lode designers, Rademaker continues: ‘ICU rooms are often small, the space is limited, and the patient is often linked to dozens of tubes and wires for medical purposes. Our innovative ergometer design responds flexibly to the circumstances.’

    From collaboration to success
    The mobile bicycle ergometer has been developed in consultation with a multidisci-plinary team of doctors, physiotherapists, sports scientists, endurance trainers and ICU nurses. A pilot will be kick-started next week at the Amsterdam UMC (AMC) hospital in which Lode’s ICU bicycle ergometer prototype will be tested for value.

    Ton Rademaker is very confident and proud of his product and team: ‘The prototype that has been submitted has a lead time of only 8 weeks, starting with brainstorming and then working day and night. Everyone at Lode wants the product to be available for COVID-19 patients who are rehabilitating in an ICU as soon as possible. Our bicycle ergometer prototype increases the patient’s quality of life, may accelerate recovery and relieve the health care professional. At Lode, we are happy to be able to contribute to the quality of life of patients recovering from COVID-19.’

    Lode, Groningen