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  • Intuitive Natural Prosthesis UTilization (INPUT)

    Prosthetic users are frustrated with the technology available on the market today. The main objective of INPUT is to translate clinically relevant research results on advanced upper limb prosthetic control made in the past from the laboratory to an everyday usable solution for end-users straight after donning of the prosthesis, under the motto “don and play”.
    Project INPUT will strive to make the control of complex upper limb prostheses simple. Currently, the most advanced routine prosthetic control on the market is more than 4 decades old, outdated and constitutes the bottle neck to introducing highly dexterous prostheses.


    Otto Bock, Michelangelo hand.

    Frequently end-user testing with amputees throughout the entire project will ensure targeted prototype development and market viability for advancing the technology from laboratory conditions to a high technology readiness level of 8 (TRL, HORIZON 2020). The project relies on the cooperation between academic research, industry and clinical partners – thus representing the entire value chain of cutting edge upper limb prosthetics. This will ensure the development of
    stable, wearable and practical prototypes.

    The project builds on achievements reached in the EU FP7 IAPP projects AMYO (Grant No. 251555, 2011-2014) and
    MYOSENS (Grant No. 286208, 2012-2015), which were targeting improved signal acquisition and signal processing for advanced upper limb prosthetic control. The projects were very successful and received high recognition’s, national and international.


    The aim of this project is:

    The aim of INPUT is to transfer the obtained results from laboratory settings further towards a clinically and commercially viable medical product. The enabling concepts on which INPUT builds upon are:

    • Reliable, easy to apply, cost-effective signal acquisition.
    • Reliable, powerful real-time signal processing.
    • Quantifying true patient benefit.
    • Optimized end-user training.
    • Iterative clinical tests throughout the entire project.


    The work of INPUT is split into 9 work packages.
    WP 8 and WP 9 are SPRINT related, they represent the functional units which are necessary to tackle the goals of the project.

    WP1: coordination.
    Otto Bock Healthcare Products GmbH (OBHP), Austria.

    WP2: dissemination, communication and exploitation.
    Otto Bock Healthcare Products GmbH (OBHP), Austria.

    WP3: system integration.
    Otto Bock Healthcare Products GmbH (OBHP), Austria.

    WP4: signal acquisition hardware.
    Otto Bock Healthcare GmbH (OBG), Austria.

    WP5: EMG models.
    Universitaetsmedizin Goettingen  (UMG-GOE), Germany.

    WP6: machine learning.
    Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA)/ Scuola Universitaria Professionale Della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI), Switzerland.

    WP7: evaluation paradigm.
    Orthopädisches Spital Speising GmbH (OSS), Austria.

    WP8: patient training. …read more

    WP9: clinical tests. …read more