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  • Study on wearing time

    Orthopaedic footwear solutions are prescribed for patients with various conditions, such as diabetes, foot ulcers (to prevent their occurrence or recurrence), rheumatic diseases or degenerative foot disorders, to relieve pain and provide support to anatomical foot malformations and muscular disorders, and to provide stability. The effectiveness of orthopaedic footwear solutions is related to their wearing time, and wearing time must be seen in relation to knowledge of product quality. An objective measurement of the actual wearing time is therefore of vital importance. Future research will objectively study the wearing time of orthopaedic footwear solutions among a large number of patients. In addition, the ‘Monitor Orthopedische Schoenen’ (MOS) questionnaires will be used to identify factors that may affect the use of orthopaedic shoes. The effects of adaptations to orthopaedic shoes on their use will also be studied.

    1. Postema, K., Toornend, J.L.A., Zilvold, G., & Schaars, A.H. (1991). In Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum (Ed.), Custom-made orthopaedic shoes in the medical practice. Houten/Antwerpen:
    2. Boer, H., & Seydel, E.R. (1998). Medial opinions, beliefs and prescription of orthopaedic footwear: a survey of Dutch orthopaedists and rehabilitation practitioners. Clinical Rehabilitation, 12(3), 245-253.
    3. Jannink, M.J. Ijzerman, M.J., Groothuis-Oudshoorn, K., Stewart, R.E., Groothoff, J.W., & Lankhorst, G.J. (2005). Use of orthopedic shoes in patients with degenerative disorders of the foot. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 86(4), 687-692.

    stichting Ontwikkelingsfonds voor het Orthopedisch Maatschoentechnisch bedrijf (OFOM)