• nl
  • Healthy living as a service

    Welfare diseases have a major impact on citizens, especially those with low SES (Social Economical Status). Strategies that focus on supporting citizens to achieve a long-lasting healthier lifestyle should address multiple domains related to health, including personal factors Health and lifestyle factors and the living and social environment. Up to now, most health interventions do not have a lasting effect, because of a focus on a limited number of problems in isolation, ignoring the interrelation between personal, social, and environmental factors.

    This project realizes ‘healthy living as a service’ and places the person interacting with his/her environment central, which leads to Smart and Motivated citizens in Smart Buildings and Social Communities. They have ownership over their own health by:

  • healthy living in a Smart Building with Domotica and a Social, supportive and motivating Community;
  • ● an unobtrusive monitoring system with wearables and nearables Adviesrapport HealthySensor systeem Sabine de Vries (NXPowerLite Kopie);
    ● motivating feedback at different levels of functioning (lifestyle changes for improved personal health, interaction changes with living and social environment), generated by an AI-based Decision Support System (DSS) based on monitoring data,
    ● motivating strategies, tailored on the individual user.
    For optimal results, this system is developed and tested in consultation with four inclusive learning communities. A consortium of alpha-, beta-, gamma-scientists, governments and companies will execute this project.

    The implementation of this Healthy Living as a service’-concept will be done:
    ● employers, who understand the importance of sustainable employability and see their financial benefit[1].
    ● health insurers, which offer this system as an additional service and therefore gain a competitive advantage.
    ● a consortium of housing cooperatives, construction companies and architectural firms who invest in buildings for the future for a larger market share.
    ● via citizens that pay for the ‘healthy living as a service’ model.

    [1] The costs of work-related absence is € 13 miljard per year in NL. Of this amount, at least 18% can be influenced (TNO report 2010), being € 2.3 miljard per year.



     G.J. (Bart) Verkerke, UMCG