HTRIC Research Meet-up October 1st 2021
HTRIC Research Meet-up invitation October 1,2021 (1)
We have pleasure inviting you to the HTRIC Research Meet-up at October 1st. Please register by using the link. We would highly appreciate it, if you could share this invitation with your colleagues and all others in your network who might be interested.
We look forward to meet you at October 1st!
Best regards,
the HTRIC Project Team
Program and invitation SPRINT Symposium 11th of February 2021
Jaarverslag SPRINT als bijlage bij Program and invitation SPRINT Symposium 11th of February 2021
Jaarverslag 2021 SPRINT
8th Dutch Conference for Biomedical Engineering January 28 & 29 2021 (Virtual)
This conference provides you the one and only opportunity to meet with a wide diversity of other scientists in the Netherlands working in the field. You are invited to present your latest work (which might already have been presented before at another conference), to give an overview of recent developments in the Dutch Biomedical community. The goal of the conference in 2021 is to get updated on the progress in the Dutch biomedical engineering community and to discuss new (funding) opportunities within the Netherlands to initiate new research. PhD students are especially encouraged to submit their work, or even their plans. Also in this virtual edition we will provide ample opportunities for oral and poster presentations. For PhD students it is an opportunity to start building their own network with peer PhD students at other universities.
We will organize sessions covering the broad field of biomedical engineering, e.g. in cardiovascular modelling, image acquisition and processing, surgical instruments, tissue and cell engineering, neural modelling, robotics, telemedicine, biosensors, diagnostics and stimulation, bionanotechnology, data processing and visualization
The field of Biomedical Engineering is a rapidly developing field, with many breakthroughs at the edge between medical and technical sciences. Therefore, medical scientist as well as engineering scientists are explicitly invited to this conference to discuss their latest insights and discoveries. Scientists from University Medical Centres as well as from the Technical universities will participate.
You will all understand we can’t organise our usual Snert and Stamppot dinner on the beach, the bowling competition and the beer & wine party this time. The good news is that instead of having two years in between editions, we plan the 9 th edition to be held in January 2022, in real life, hoping that the Covid-19 pandemic will be over.
Please upload your abstract before November 2, 2020. All information can be found at:
Meld je aan voor de DemcAir webinar donderdag 11 juni 2020 11.00-11.30 uur
We laten je graag kennismaken met een van de nieuwste innovaties van Demcon en nodigen je van harte uit voor ons webinar op 11 juni over het nieuwe DemcAir beademingssysteem.
Hoe ontwikkel je binnen een maand een compleet beademingssysteem? Welke uitdagingen kom je tegen? Deze en meer vragen beantwoorden we en samen duiken we in het ontwikkelproces van de DemcAir. Na afloop is er gelegenheid om vragen te stellen. Spreker tijdens het webinar is Ben van den Elshout, sr mechatronic system engineer bij Demcon en systeemarchitect en product owner in dit project.
Aanmelden kunt u via de onderstaande link.
Gratis webinars over de MDR en IVDR. De eerste zijn woensdag 27 en donderdag 28 mei a.s.
Werkbijeenkomst: ‘Sterk voor werkbehoud bij een chronische aandoening’ dinsdag 24 maart 2020 in Beatrixoord, Haren
IMDI-symposium AI en big data, donderdag 5 maart 2020 aanvang 9.30 – 12.00 uur (voorafgaand aan het LSH-PPS dag), Jaarbeurs Utrecht
IMDI-symposium Artificial Intelligence 5 maart 2020
Jaarlijkse Symposium SPRINT, donderdag 13 februari 2020 TechMed Centre te Enschede
Programma en uitnodiging Symposium SPRINT NL 18122019
program and invitation Symposium SPRINT 2020 ENG 18122019
Jaarlijkse Symposium SPRINT, vrijdag 8 februari 2019, “Bedrijvigheid”
Uitnodiging en programma jaarlijkse Symposium SPRINT 2019
Uitnodiging en programma jaarlijkse Symposium SPRINT 25 januari 2018
ISPO Symposium “Sport en prothese
” 17 maart 2017
Programma Symposium 17 maart ISPO Vogellanden
Jaarlijkse Symposium SPRINT, 2017, “Wat heeft SPRINT bewogen”
Uitnodiging en programma jaarlijkse Symposium SPRINT 2017
Jubileumcongres Roessingh Research and Development 22 september 2016: Taking care of the future, Enhanced technology for rehabilitation
Op 18 februari organiseert IMDI.NL samen met ZonMw de sessie: Technology for Sustainable Care.
Verslag site visit 11 september 2015
Jaarlijkse Symposium SPRINT, 2016, “samen naar de markt”
Uitnodiging en programma kunt u vinden via deze link.