• nl
  • Samenwerking

    Project coordinator:
    A.C. (Aarnout) Brombacher, TUE


    Participating research institutes:
    – Technical University of Eindhoven, Faculty of Industrial Design
    – University of Twente,
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET)
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS)
    Contact persons: Prof. H.J. Hermens, Dr. ir. G.D.S. Ludden, Prof P.P.M. Verbeek


    – Technical University of Delft,
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)
    Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE)
    Contact persons: Dr. ir. Rick Schifferstein; prof. dr. M. Neerincx


    – Wageningen University,
    Division of Human Nutrition
    Social Sciences group (SSG)
    Contact persons: prof. dr. de Graaf; prof dr. E. de Vet
