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  • Self Administered Functional walking Exercise (SAFE)

    Ageing is linked to a decrease in fitness and mobility and increases the risk of a Stroke. In Europe, it is estimated that there are 1.13 million people suffering from a Stroke.
    In the Netherlands this value is approximately 215.000. It is expected that this population has increased in size with 43.8% by the year 2025 (www.rivm.nl). Healthy living and a good physical fitness in particular, contribute strongly to the primary and secondary prevention of Stroke. Recent research shows that for the development and maintenance of good physical fitness, intensity of training is a key factor. The higher the intensity of training, the better the primary and secondary prevention of a stroke will be.
    Up till now, training of mobility is given in rehabilitation and physiotherapy practice on a one to one basis. This means that a patient is treated individually and supervised continuously. The latter is necessary due to the impaired balance of these patients and the associated risks of falls. As a result of the ageing population, numbers of patients that require this kind of care will increase while the number of professionals that can deliver this type of training will decrease. This means that one-to-one training of mobility is under pressure in current (semi-)clinical practice. Training systems that enable patients to independently train walking and balance in a safe way are therefore required. The envisioned project SAFE (Self Administered Functional walking Exercise) combines the technological focus areas mechatronics and neuroscience to increase independency (in terms of balance, walking ability and fitness) of elderly as well as stroke patients (and other patient categories with impaired balance and walking) by letting them train in a safe and self administered independent way.

    The aim of this project:

    The main goal of the project therefore is to enable safe and self administered training of balance, walkingability and fitness in the (semi-)clinical setting by means of an innovative training system based on elaboration of the existing knowledge on training of balance and walking.
    Based on the limitations of the systems currently available, combined with the foreseen reduction andincrease in costs of one-to-one care, there is a need for training systems that are intelligent and intuitive, are self administered and are safe for the patient.

    This project consists of six different work packages (WP):

    • WP1: Parameter identification in combination with user requirements analysis & use case scenarios and technical requirements analysis.
      Coordinator: Dr. J. H. (Jaap) Buurke – Roesingh Research and Development. More…
    • WP2: Prototype development for hardware and software necessary for the training environment.
      Coordinator: Ir. F. (Frank) Nieuwenhuis – Forcelink. More…
    • WP3: Determination of the individual effect of hardware and software within the virtual training environment on user friendliness, safety aspects and balance and walking of patients.
      Coordinator: Dr. J. H. (Jaap) Buurke – Roesingh Research and Development. More…
    • WP4: Integration of the modular parts of the SAFE training system.
      Coordinator: Ir. F. (Frank) Nieuwenhuis – Forcelink. More…
    • WP5: Validation of the SAFE training system in the (semi-)clinical setting.
      Coordinator: Dr. J. H. (Jaap) Buurke – Roesingh Research and Development. More…
    • WP6: Dissemination of knowledge and (semi-)clinical implementation.
      Coordinator: Dr. J. H. (Jaap) Buurke – Roesingh Research and Development/ Ir. F. (Frank) Nieuwenhuis – Forcelink. More…